EPCS is looking to help you safely train your dog during these uncertain times.
Feeling a little uncertain as we all are stuck at home due to COVID-19?
A little stressed because you feel that the situation is beyond your control?
Are you realizing that working at home with your dog is not as easy and fun as you thought?
Now is the time to take control and check dog training off your
Esther's Pet Care Services is proud to offer Contact-free At-Home Training for you and your dog!
A well-behaved dog matters. Teaching your dog to know what you want decreases your stress and allows for a more relaxing environment.
Now is the perfect time to train your dog at home. You are with them and can work on training without leaving the safety of your home.
Your dog is family and as a family lets train your dog to set up for success!

Our COVID-19 Prevention training will provide the following:​
An eight-week course that includes a new lesson each week via video.
The tools and support you need as you go through the lessons.
Live chats with me and/or other pet owners that are in the group.
Fun and interactive challenges for the whole family, kids included.
CONTACT US for more information on how we can help you with your dog in the wake of this ever-changing situation.